Lesson from the church of Christ on Remington Ave. Sunnyvale CA
By W.W. Cassio, April, 1969








Bible evidences fall into two categories: Internal and External. The difference between them lies in the realm each covers.  External evidences are conceded to be those facts drawn from the outside surroundings of a Bible book: the history, archaeology, science and testimony by early writers.  Internal evidences are those drawn from the book itself: its claims, construction and subject matter, (within the context of its readers at the time of its writing.)


The book of Revelation provides evidence within itself for an early date and an application (primarily) to the fall and destruction of Jerusalem. These evidences are herewith noted.


REVELATION = apocalypse [Άποκάλυψις] (a drawing back of the veil).

The name of the book itself argues that it was not a mystery held secret for ages, but was a book to be understood by those to whom it was addressed. Rev. 1:1; 1:4; 22:10.  If it were left for future generations to read and decipher, then those who first received it found it of no practical value.


This application can easily be scanned or speed read, but I encourage you to turn to every scripture reference in your Bible to read them for yourself; it will have the impact that it deserves.



1:1 “must shortly come to pass….” This is expressive of an immediate fulfillment.
1:3 “time is at hand…” Much like the announcement of John the Baptist in heralding the coming kingdom.
1:19 “things which shall be hereafter...” Rightly translated this phrase means "things about to occur...”  further proof that the book was intended for the generation who received it.
5:1-5  A sealed book that corresponds with Dan. 12:4, 9, 10.  The context in Daniel is concerned with the abomination of desolation (destruction of Jerusalem) and the end of the holy people (Israel).
6:9-11 The souls crying out for vengeance is akin to Luke 21:22 and Matt. 23:29-39.  These passages deal with the fall of Jerusalem.

The “great tribulation” is mentioned in the Bible as the fall of Jerusalem only.

cf. Matt 24:21; Mk 13:19. Cf. Dan. 12:1

10:6-7 “time no longer...” is literally “delay no longer”.  Cf. Matt. 24:21-22. During these days the prophecies would be fulfilled. This should be connected with Luke 21:22.
11:2 The holy city to be trodden under foot of the Gentiles was none other than Jerusalem.  Cf. Luke 21:20-24
11:8 The two witnesses, Moses and Elijah, representing the Law and the Prophets were slain in the city where the Lord was crucified.  That city was Jerusalem.
11:13 The tenth part of the city fell.  The only city mentioned so far was Jerusalem, per Verse 8.
11:17-18 These two verses correspond to Dan. 7:23-27.  Daniel's vision related to the "time of the end" of Israel.  Cf. Dan. 12:1, 7. (cp. Dan. 7:25 with Rev. 12:14)
12:5 The man-child referred to is Christ.  cf. Psa. 2:9; Rev. 2:26, 27.
14:20 The city is a reference to the only city mentioned thus far, viz. Jerusalem. cf. Rev. 11:2, 8, 13.
15:1 "in them is filled up the wrath of God.”  Another translation properly renders it "the wrath of God is finished or complete." NKJV.  cf. Lk. 21:22; Dan. 9:24.
17:1-6 The woman described is like that of the description found in Ezekiel 16:26-29; 23:4, 9, 12, 17, 19.  Verse 6 tells us she was drunk with the blood of saints and the martyrs of Jesus.
17:15-18 The fall of the city fits the events that surrounded the fall of Jerusalem.  The beast she’s riding (Rome) turned on her and destroyed her.
17:17 “Until the words of God are fulfilled...”  This phrase means finished or brought to an end.  This correlates with Rev. 10:7; 15:1.
18:4 “Come out of her my people...”  This accords with Luke 21:20-24 and the warning given to God's people to abandon Jerusalem.
18:20, 24 The apostles and prophets have been properly avenged by the destruction of Jerusalem.  cf. Matt 23:29-39.  No other city is said to contain the blood of the saints.
19:6-9 The marriage of the Lamb and His bride is now possible because the old harlot is destroyed.  The new bride occupies the attention of God. cf. Rom. 7:4. The old wife became completely corrupted.
21:2 The contrast is now drawn between the old harlot, Babylon, and NEW Jerusalem, the church.  The comparison would be invalid unless the OLD Jerusalem was considered. Cp. Isa. 65:15-25
22:10 The time had come to no longer seal the book, but to make known all that God would do to Jerusalem and his people.  This was accomplished by direct fulfillment of the prophecies.
22:7, 12 Two more warnings that all of this prophecy and the coming of Jesus was about to take place.

Edited by L.White

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